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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Taste of Winter!

The sky was very grey this morning when I got up. For people from non snowy states, that always is a sure sign of snow. Sure enough by the time I got to work at 10 the snow was coming down. The ground fortuatley isn't cold enough for it to stick but the air was cold enough to turn the rain into snow.

Unfortunatley this means that winter is apon us. There will be fewer warm days and even fewer riding days! But as the true New Englander complains about the cold, I just look at it and think by do I love summer! It make you appriciate the warm weather more!

This photo was from today.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jody,
I'm over here in New York bumming out too. Your Dad took my blue bike down to Florida in October, and I just put my V-Rod in storage for the winter. It's only been a couple of days, and I'm already suffering from riding withdrawal. Think Spring! (or Bike Week).

Pete R
Sidney, NY

Donna T. said... it spring yet?