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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Street's New Tranny!

By: Doug Robinson, AKA Thug

Streets’ blue bike had a POS tranny that was never quite right and was scheduled to be swapped out for a Baker after Daytona. It wound up being swapped out during Daytona.

You see, shifting from 2nd to 3rd rarely happened. It would shift from 2nd to neutral, then to 4th. Getting it in gear was quite an ordeal, too. At least in 5th or 6th, if and when you got there, it would be OK. Hearing Streets trying to shift sounded like a quartet of castanet players.

Well, the POS tranny must have felt bad about all those times 3rd gear went missing, so Friday afternoon it decided to try and set things right by finally going into 3rd and staying there-at least for the duration of Bike Week-but probably for all eternity. So Streets nursed the bike to Dirty Harry’s and told Dave and Kory about it.

Dave’s friend Domenic has a lift and the tools at his house and was kind enough to allow Kory to use it. He and Paulie helped with the wrenching, as well. Streets limped the blue bike to Domenic’s and things were set.

Dave contacted the folks at Baker (thanks Ryan) and they overnighted a new RSD 6 speed to the landlord of the house the Baker folks are staying at. The landlord got the tranny to the house. Streets and I went to the house and met Scott who gave us the box. We then had to get it to Kory so he could get started. By about 4:00 on Saturday, the new Baker was ready to be installed.

Later, Dave, Dave O, Jody, Sara, and I met at the house as Kory, Domenic, and Paulie were finishing up. At 8:00 that night, the blue bike was back in order. Streets took it out for a shakedown ride and returned with an uncharacteristic “yee-hah”. The Baker shifts like “buttah” and all is well with the world.

This was an example of customer service that would make Nordstrom envious. It wasn’t easy shouting into cell phones over the din of hundreds of free flowing v-twins, but everything worked out.

A great story thanks to all involved.


Donna T. said...

Thug - what an ordeal! But it doesn't surprise me one bit that the Perewitz Crew jumped into action. Bravo to all!

J. Perewitz said...

Kory, Paulie, and Domenic really came to the rescue!

Anonymous said...

I never thought a motorcycle transmission was sexy, but once you've stood next to a brand new, shiny, chrome plated, smooth shifting Baker 6 speed.....Oooh baby!

Maybe I've been away from my wife too long....


Anonymous said...

Thug and Streets are 2 of the coolest guys, Streets never lost his cool waiting for his bike, he didn't get antsy and did a fine job navigating the dually with it's big hips! Always great to hang with them! ~Sara