Zipp is my mum’s Boston Terrier. He is about 2 ½ years old. I bought him for her for Easter and since then they have been inseparable. Zipp flew here from a breeder in California. Thankfully he we got him early enough that he learned a Boston accent!
Zipp comes to work everyday with my mum and greets people that come in, mostly with a lick or a sniff. There are a few select people that are Zipp’s favorite, one of them being Joe Pro. When Joe is here, Zipp is right by his side the whole day! Zipp knows what car belongs to his favorite people. When my mom pulls in the parking lot he gets all excited and jumps up and down.
This summer Zipp learned how to swim UNDER water at his cape house. Not just swim but swim under water. It is a riot! My mom will bury his ball in the sand in about 3-4 feet of water and Zipp will dive down, dig up the ball, and come up with it in his mouth!
Zipp at his cape house on the dock
On Sunday’s he goes claming with my mom. They walk way out to the sandbars and he usually stays on the sand until she gets a clam. He will go over to her basket, get her clam and bring it to shore. He will then start digging around it and push it. People walking by think that he really dug a clam! “Wow look at that dog, he just got a clam”!
Zipp and his girlfriend Millie had puppies about 3 months ago. His daughter was over here yesterday. I took a video of her. Zipp didn’t really care much for her other than wanting to play tug of war with a Frisbee. He defiantly didn’t like sharing the spotlight though. He was jumping and barking and being crazy trying to get attention.
Baby and Granddad Father and Daughter
I just love Zipp! He's such a great greeter, except of course when he's off at his Cape house. He's just too cool and such a little love bug when he wants to be. His daughter is a cutie....nice video.
I love zipp, he is so dam cute!!!
Sign me up for the Zipp fan club . I made the mistake of saying Zipp looked like ET and maybe wasn't the pick of the litter on The Beach Crusier site ! OOPS ! I am getting flak from Beach for that so please apologize to Zipp for me and sign me up as his #1 fan .... Dawson
Dawson, you definitely aren't invited to Zipp's fan club! Zipp is too cool for you! Zipp is absolutely going to bite you in your big head!
Okay, now come on J. Dawson was just messing around. He's a really great guy and has several furry friends himself! Don't be too hard on him. ;-)
Has Zipp forgiven me yet ? Dawson
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